Introduction The Stop over is a yet-to-be released book based on a n innovative concept.Blending the facts with fiction here, the authors Ram and Deepa have added some beaut i ful photographs to the narrative making i t a truly extra ordinary experience. As the website of the book says, ' This is a book that presents the unseen people in India - their lives, ordeals, their hopes and dreams .' For more details on the book, release dates and the authors please visit The Stop over . Behind the book Source: About the authors Ram Prakash Ram had been in the advertising & marketing world for 12 years when he realised that we have but one life to explore the many fascinating worlds around us. Armed with a one-year photography course, he set out to seek beyond what the eye sees. Deepa Pinto Deepa teaches German at the Goethe Institute. Her passion for languages is matched by her passion for travel and exploration. Wi...