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Showing posts from September, 2012

Thought for TODAY: 30th September 2012

Gliding amidst a field of fluffy clouds where all that you can see is the endless blue sky - the serenity unmatched for. The sense of being nowhere as below was the magnanimous earth ,above the mammoth sky and I was there somewhere in between floating through an abyss. If there is anything known as 'nothing-ness' ; yes I was there!

Sometimes I wish....

This post has been published as a part of ' Blog Tag - You're it '. It is a blog hop which consists of 28 amazing members from various parts of the world on the theme – ‘ Sometimes I wish ’. Though the theme is common each one of our wish is unique and special in its own manner, specially because all of them are straight from the heart. The previous post of this blog hop has been written by Nelieta Mishchenko who is a photographer, tr aveller and  has a beautiful travel blog Nelmitravel which is about all the places travelled by her. You can read her wish HERE . I would also like to t hank Nelieta for such a beaut iful introd uction.

Silent Saturday

Madly in love- with each other

Whispering Wednesday

Today's Whispering Wednesday Word  is Perfect ! According to Me 'perfect' is the most misused term in English. We all are different human being s and hence the definition of perfection will also vary. What is perfect for Me might not be for you and vice - versa but still that does not stop us from looking for perfection in about everyt hing we do. We all look out for a ' perfect match ' for ourselves but we forget we oursel ves are not perfect . I think we are like pieces of puzzle. Imperfect in a sense but a perfect match only for one piece in that puzzle which when connected correctly gives out a beautiful picture! Source: Google Images

Thought for TODAY: 25th September 2012

Sometimes in life despite everything that you do, you fall short of achieving somethings. May be God wants you to try harder knowing that you have not yet utilized your full potential or maybe initially  He did not want to terrorize you with the distance you had to cover. So created a mirage of the destination being closer than it was!

Thought for TODAY: 24th September 2012

Love is magical ~ it makes you do weird things which earlier sounded crazy and now suddenly seem to make sense! Like plucking petals of a flower counting loves me / loves me not or wishing on a falling star. Clutching hope with both hands tightly, praying for your wishes to be true. For your loved one to walk out of your dreams and make them come true ♥ Tutta zyada zyada taara jab gira; Zara zyada zyada mangoon dil tera Kabhi zyada zyada maaney na Dil yeh surfira ~ Ishq wala Love ( Student of the year) ♥ AMEN♥ to all such heartfelt wishes, always!

Silent Saturday

In mood for some conversation ~ This week!

Book Review ~The Krishna Key by Ashwin Sanghi

Introduction ISBN: 978-93-81626-68-9 Category: Thriller Publishers: Westland Ltd Price: Rs. 250/-   Once in a while you come across a book which makes you feel ‘ WOW ’. The Krishna Key by Ashwin Sanghi is one such book. Combining history, mythology and geography with fiction the author has managed to create an excellent storyline which makes you feel like being on a roller coaster ride. Behind the book The Krishna Key is a furiously paced and riveting thriller that explores the ancient secrets of Vedic age and the Mahabharata. The review in progress!   About the Author Ashwin Sanghi is an entrepreneur by profession but writing historical fiction in the thriller genre is his passion and hobby. For more details please visit ‘Me’ Thinks I have a very bad habit of reading the last page of the book first before beginning to read the entire novel. It kind of convinces me to read it as I am able to gauge the flow of the ...

Silent Saturday

Welcome Showers!!

Its a........

Whispering Wednesday

Let the motto for today be “MORE” More happiness…. More love……… More smiles .... More hugs.....   More care……….   More success……. More friends…. More family time….. More wishes…. More dreams……. More goals…. Just like the Pepsi advt says, “ Yeh dil maange MORE!!!!” Keep asking till you get it.

Book Review - The Stopover by Ram Prakash & Deepa Pinto

Introduction The Stop over is a yet-to-be released book based on a n innovative concept.Blending the facts with fiction here, the authors Ram and Deepa have added some beaut i ful photographs to the narrative making i t a truly extra ordinary experience. As the website of the book says, ' This is a book that presents the unseen people in India - their lives, ordeals, their hopes and dreams .'   For more details on the book, release dates and the authors please visit The Stop over . Behind the book Source: About the authors Ram Prakash Ram had been in the advertising & marketing world for 12 years when he realised that we have but one life to explore the many fascinating worlds around us. Armed with a one-year photography course, he set out to seek beyond what the eye sees. Deepa Pinto Deepa teaches German at the Goethe Institute. Her passion for languages is matched by her passion for travel and exploration. Wi...

Book Review: Urban Shots - Crossroads

Introduction Urban Shots - Crossroads (ISBN 978-93-81626-42-9) Edited by Ahmed Faiyaz Published by Grey Oak Publishers Price Rs. 199/- ‘Every individual around us has a story to tell. It is up to us to listen to his tale .’ –with this feeling I began to read Urban Shots- Crossroads. Many times in life we reach a crossroads where we need to make a life changing decision. It is about those incidents this books talks about. It is a pleasure to read 30 urban stories by 26 authors as it gives you a deeper insight into our otherwise mundane everyday lives. We ourselves never realize how interesting our life could be for someone else! Behind the book Source: Google Images ‘ Urban Shots has the right ingredients for a breezy read …’ – DNA, Mumbai. About the Authors This book has an interesting collection of writers with people ranging from popular writers, to bloggers to debutant writers – each story outdoi...