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Showing posts from October, 2015

Book Review: Know thyself by Gian Kumar (Book 1)

Introduction ISIN:  978-93-52013-72-2 Genre:  Non-Fiction / Spirituality Publishers:  Celestial Books (Leadstart Corp) Price:  Rs. 199/- (  I got the book from the publisher for a review ) In the First Of his Series of 3 Books Gian Kumar answers our questions related to spirituality in a simple and seamless manner. From time immemorial, people have searched for definitve responses to questions such as: Who am I? Where do I come from? Does God exist? What is the essence of my relationship with Him? Gian's thoughts are an amalgam of Science, Spirituality and Philosophy. He Believes that once we discover our true selves, our lives can be fred from stress, depression and misery. The core of this series is based upon the absolute reality of life - Oneness between the Self and the Universe. Knowing oneself is the most challenging task. It involves accepting our alter ego or shadow-self. When we understand and accept who we really are, in totality. We have...

Book Review: First Brush on the Canvas

Introduction ISIN:  978-93-84-3150-61 Genre:  Fiction / Anthology Publishers:  Half Baked Beans Price:  Rs. 199/- (  I got the book from Writer's Melon for a review ) 'Le Siffleur' and his magic. Vampires, guardians' adventures at night. Coffee, love and a new couple. Imli and her mother in a complex web of darkness. A small town girl confused about virginity. Michael Jaikishen and his writing endeavours. Child adoption by a gay couple. Mahabharat - a modern tale in an epic form. The spine-chilling tale of Tina and Uncle Joe. A juicy love story by our guest author Sujata Parashar. These and many other unputdownable stories in this book. Behind The book Source:

Book Review: Grow up Moon by Suditi Jindal

Introduction ISIN:  978-81-7869-348-4 Genre:  Fiction / Drama Publishers:  SNAB Price:  Rs. 250/- (  I got the book from the PR agency for a review ) 'Grow Up Moon!' traces the struggle and strife in the file of Moon who relocates after marriage. She confronts the delimmas of living in a city bustling with oppotunities that are the forbidden fruit for her enthusiastic and ambitious soul. Behind The book Source: Goodreads

Book Review: Pixel Thoughts by Hussain Haideri

Introduction ISIN:  978-1-943851-14-0 Genre:  Non-fiction / quotes / self-help Publishers:  White Falcon Publishing Price:  Rs. 199/- (  I got the book from the author for a review ) The virtual world we live in has given us the freedom and power to express everything without saying anything. The status messages we write on chat messengers and facebook are the manifestations of our inner voice which was waiting for all this time to be heard. Over the years based on numerous experiences, I have composed some of those messages and penned them down in this book. They are honest, blunt and straight from the heart. It's an attempt to bring them into existence in the physical world too. Behind The book Source:

Book Review: One by Sarah Crossan

Introduction ISIN:  978-1-4088-6311-4 Genre:  Free Verse / Fiction Publishers:  Bloomsbury Books Price:  Rs. 499/- (  I got the book from the publisher for a review ) Tippi and Grace share everything—clothes, friends . . . even their body. Writing in free verse, Sarah Crossan tells the sensitive and moving story of conjoined twin sisters, which will find fans in readers of Gayle Forman, Jodi Picoult, and Jandy Nelson. Tippi and Grace. Grace and Tippi. For them, it's normal to step into the same skirt. To hook their arms around each other for balance. To fall asleep listening to the other breathing. To share. And to keep some things private. Each of the sixteen-year-old girls has her own head, heart, and two arms, but at the belly, they join. And they are happy, never wanting to risk the dangerous separation surgery. But the girls' body is beginning to fight against them. And Grace doesn't want to admit it. Not even to Tippi. How long can they hide f...

Book Review: The Best Seller She Wrote by Ravi Subramanian

Introduction ISIN:  978-93-85152-38-2 Genre:  Romance / Drama / Thriller Publishers:  Westland Books Price:  Rs. 295/- (  I got the book from the author for a review ) Paperback king, Aditya Kapoor’s life is straight out of a modern man’s fantasy. His literary stardom is perfectly balanced by a loving wife and a spectacular career. With everything he touches turning to gold, Aditya is on a winning streak. Shreya Kaushik is a student with a heart full of ambition. Young, beautiful, and reckless, Shreya speaks her mind and obsessively chases after what she wants. And what she wants is to be a bestselling author. What happens when their worlds collide? Is it possible to love two people at the same time? Can real ambition come in the way of blind passion? Can trust once broken, be regained? Master storyteller Ravi Subramanian, delves into the glitzy world of bestsellers and uncovers a risky dalliance between a superstar novelist and his alluring proté...

Silent Saturday

Book Review: What is your true Zodiac Sign? by Greenstone Lobo

Introduction ISIN:  978-93-81836-72-9 Genre:  Non fiction / Zodiac / Astrology Publishers:  Celestial Books Price:  Rs. 399/- (  I got the book from the publisher for a review ) What if what you thought all your life to be your zodiac sign was Wrong? People who think they are Arians, could actually have their Sun in Pisces. More than three quarters of the world’s population have been assuming the wrong zodiac sign. Can 12 types capture the mind-boggling diversity of personalities in the world? Astronality-186 systematically demonstrates that the various permutations and combinations of Sun, Mercury and Moon, correctly placed, create 186 distinct personalitytypes, not just 12. Which of the 186 types are You? Narendra Modi is not just a meticulous and hard-working Virgo, but also a zealous and decisive Scorpio, aka VirScorp. Salman Khan is not a stuffy, politically correct and conservative Capricorn, but an outspoken, passionate and rebellious Scorpio-S...

Book Review: Pupil's President - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Edited by Satyam Roychowdhury

Introduction ISIN:  978-93-80925-29-5 Genre:  Non Fiction/ Essay Publishers:  Beebooks Price:  Rs. 500/- (  I got the book from the publisher for a review ) The students' diligent teacher, the nation's gifted scientist, the humble 'People's President' - an indefinable name he is. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. A man who dedicated his life and work to the betterment of a nation, and his time and energy to the billions of young minds he wished to ignite. He has left back dreams in everyone, and the undying inspiration to make those dreams come true.A surfeit of contents has been interwoven to give this book a shape. To read through the pages will mean a journey through his life in entirety. Besides Kalam's own speeches and quotes, it also contains literary tributes by scientists, academicians and students, the interviews of his family members, and a real-time anecdote of his interment ceremony at Rameswaram. This isn't just a tribute, but a world beyond ...

Cover reveal: Seeking Redemption by Madhu Vajpayee

Release Day Blitz : Coke by Barun Chanda

Silent Saturday

Book Blitz :First Brush on the Canvas.

Gift a smile : Aham Bhumika

I don't remember how and when I got in touch with Aham Bhumika, all I remember is falling in love with its name.  Unique in its own sense, the name in itself stands for what it is trying to convey. When translated it means important role and that is what it wants all of us to play in this society by giving back to it what we have gathered till now in this beautiful journey called life.  Source: Copyright Aham Bhumika

Behind the Book: Biddu