A mother or an author is not supposed to have favourites. But these favourites are not as a writer. They are as a reader for when I read them I feel its not me who has written them. It's just not Me.... It's another me another layer of my soul, a fragment of my imagination, a piece of my heart which could do this and I don't know it will do it again when!
My 7 most favourite posts:
- Post Returned Undelivered- This is partly my own story and partly fiction. I still don't know what made me say all that I said but this one still gives me goosebumps. I am always amazed at this piece as it holds a piece of me wrapped amidst it.
- An isolated fragment- I myself am from a broken family and hence I understand the hurt and agony a child goes through in such cases. To be honest this post was never planned. Rather I wanted to talk about divorce from a woman's point of view. As I went to sleep thinking about this I dreamt this post (yess!!!) till the last full stop.
- A suicide note - I am not much of a TV person yet somehow I love reality crime shows as they tell me what I am surrounded with. A number of honour killing cases both in print and media lead to this.
- A secret revealed- I have been in quite a few relationships, observed many closely and I somehow feel the thin line between love, like and lust is lost somewhere leading to chaos. An attempt to capture that chaos.
- I am busy- R K Narayan's Malgudi days inspired this though I never claimed that and yet when in comments people said they saw the glimpses of it, it had to make me feel out of this world.
- Of stories and tellers - A love for the written word -both reading and writing lead to this! Sharing some madness :)
- Diary of a daughter -Being a daughter, getting married and leaving our parents is a norm which we all have to follow, but what goes on our mind at that time must be something like this!
Hope you enjoy reading them :)