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Book Review: Invisible Ties by Nadya A R


ISBN: 978-8129147974

Genre: Fiction

Publishers: Rupa Publications

Price: Rs. 250/-  ( I got the book for review from the publisher)
Behind the Book

As Karachi burned in the 1990s, the painfully shy Noor Kamal found refuge in an antique jade mirror stolen from Daisy, her social butterfly mother. One fateful day, the violence hits home as a motley crew of burglars storm the Kamal residence, killing Joseph, the faithful driver who tried to shield Noor, and kidnapping Daisy in the process.

Traumatized by the turn of events and succumbing to familial pressure, Noor reluctantly agrees to start life afresh in Singapore as the wife of Meekaal Kalim, an investment banker. Trapped in a loveless marriage, Noor finds succour in studying psychotherapy.

Her attempt to heal others brings her close to Ella, her neighbour, and Jake, a handsome American who is struggling to deal with his emotional breakdown. As she tries to exorcise ghosts from the past and break free from the shackles, where will Noor’s longing for love take her? Would she be able to liberate herself from her strong cultural values and ties?

A saga of love and longing, against a rich contrasting background, Invisible Ties is sure to appeal to the readers.
About the Author

Nadya A. R. began writing in her early twenties. She is a psychotherapist and regularly contributes articles related to psychotherapy and conducts workshops, seminars and talks, in Pakistan and Singapore. This is her second novel.

The moment I had seen the cover of this book I was in love.Such an intricate piece of work that speaks so much and yet manages to tease a reader enough to want to pick the book. Added to it the beauty of the blurb, I was really looking forward to soak myself in its splendor. And the book, didn't disappoint me at all. Rather, it took the whole experience of reading it to another level altogether.

Starting from Karachi and travelling to Singapore followed by London this book is a heart warming story of Noor. Her character has been beautifully crafted, complete with flaws intact she comes across as someone who is confused in the beginning of the story about what she wants from life and then gradually learns, evolves as life teaches her some of the most important lessons of survival.

With language that can be called akin to poetry the narrative just flows in the book. The description of the places are detailed, transporting you to those places. Though it can always be debated if the plot was new and unheard. I have always believed that it is the treatment of the story that makes the whole difference and that is where the author scores brownie points. The story line is gripping  with characters that seem real and believable.

Growing up in India, there were a lot of places where I could relate to Noor and her confusion when it came to relationships, cultural values and opinions about a lot of things happening around us. After all, our upbringing and the society we live in does impact our thinking to quite an extent. But then it is human to keep changing in accordance to the society and circumstances around us. That is the exact space this story is from. It is a "growing up" kind of novel for me as I connected with it largely.

I would recommend this book to people who enjoy stories that explore human relationships and cultural values to their best. 
Foodie Verdict

This book is like Parangi Kai (Pumpkin and Jaggery sweet dish) - Unusual combination but perfectly delightful in taste.

Source: Kamala's Corner

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