Introduction ISBN: 9788184959932 Genre: Non-fiction / Inspirational Publishers: Jaico Publishing House Price: Rs. 350/- ( I got the book for review from the publisher ) 99 stories of incredible women from India. Featuring Zia Mody, Chanda Kochhar, Mary Kom, Neerja Bhanot, Anita Dongre and others 99 daughters of India who dared to be different From Rani Lakshmibai and Indira Gandhi to Chanda Kocchar and Mary Kom, The Double-X Factor explores the lives and times of 99 exceptional achievers who challenged the gender barrier and rose to fame. Indian history is replete with instances of women’s valour, fortitude, courage, self-sacrifice and leadership in times of crisis. Some of them have turned into folklore and many of them have been immortalized in movies. Most of all, these women have left a great and indelible impact on several generations. Be it politics, arts, entertainment, sports or business, they carved a niche in every sphere t...