Today my blog completes 5 years! Source: The Gospel Coalition Blog 1300 posts - 366 book reviews- 180 author interviews - 150 guest posts and still counting. The journey has been enthralling for sure. This blog is one place where all that I have asked for has come true. From starting it as a hobby to being a reviewer for all leading publishing houses, from growing up reading their books like a fangirl to getting their books for review it is all still surreal. I still jump in air like a kid whenever I get a wonderful book for review. It is like being introduced to a friend for a lifetime, someone who is going to be there forever. To mark this occasion I am sharing some of the best books I read in 2016 with snippets and links to my reviews in no particular order. They are simply put - THE BEST and the numbers next to them are serial numbers and not their ranks. If you have missed any of these please do read them, they are a treasure to dive into. If you have read them w...
Talks about books, movies and all things in between.