Introduction Is this Love & Autumn- The last leaf are two heart touching stories written by Arti Honrao priced at Rs. 160/- you could buy the same from Pothi Behind the Book The author says though this place is usually reserved either for the Bio of the author or synopsis of the book content, however sharing sentiments behind publishing this book seemed appropriate to her. In the author's words ; " Approximately two years ago I had promised this book to my readers and now, I have finally fulfilled my promise " About the Author [ Taken from ] Arti Honrao has a passion for different genres of writing and hence was born Sfth, a platform to showcase her poems, short stories, quotes and sensible articles. Most of her writing depicts human feelings and emotions, which she tries to bring out onto the page and into the minds of the reader. She believes that the essence of writing lies in not only entertaining the reader, bu...