Title: The Doctor and Mrs. A.: Ethics and Counter-Ethics in an Indian Dream Analysis Author: Sarah Pinto Publisher: Women Unlimited Year of Publication: 2019 “ How does one remember the future?” Thus, begins The Doctor and Mrs. A by Sarah Pinto . Based on ethics and counter ethics in an Indian dream analysis, this book is an inspired example of thinking beyond the known. Just before independence, somewhere in early forties, a young Punjabi woman identified only as Mrs. A decided to be a part of an experiment by a psychiatrist, Dev Satya Nanda, for his new method of dream analysis. Unbeknownst to him, she was in an unhappy marriage with a strong urge for freedom from all the bondage. Through this experiment they discovered hidden layers of her personality which included different reflections on sexuality, trauma, ambitions and marriage. Pinto revisits this conversation and explores it in the context of late colonial Indian society. Juxtaposing the past with the...