Exactly two years ago this blog was born - more so for my love of books and then of course gradually it went onto become my alter ego. While Memoirs of Me stood for all the good things of my life this one represented the bad things of my life. Needless to say both are immensely special to me and are my two kids that I have had. The most wonderful feeling for a blogger is to have at least one genuine reader who is your worst critic and best appreciator. I would say I am very lucky to have found someone like that in Dumpling - my bestest friend ever. There has not been a single day when he has not written to me about my blogs, books or about what's more special to both of us - LIFE! 750 posts, 43k hits, 119 book reviews, 462 daily thoughts on living and loving, this blog surely has a long way to go ! I intended to write a letter to my blog as it's birthday gift but then today morning I woke up to see a beautiful letter in my inbox addressed to my bl...
Talks about books, movies and all things in between.