Hello there!
Just like last year this time too I am back with International Author's Blog Hop on my blog.
I remember being introduced to reading at the age of 4. But if asked to name the first ever novel I read it would be 20000 leagues under the sea. I was 11 years old then and was the only student in my whole class who picked up a novel when we were taken to the library and asked to pick a book. Rest of the class made do with comics and such lighter reads. The teacher was both impressed and unsure if I would be able to read the whole novel. She asked me to write a summary on the story and I did manage to do that too. I still remember the whole story and also the applause I had received after presenting my summary to the whole class. Perhaps that was the moment when I fell in love with books, a bit more than what I had felt till before.
After that there was no looking back. The thicker the book the more it seemed attractive to me. I would be the only student who would look forward to the library period and had a huge list ready before hand of what I wanted to read next. Enid Blyton series and then gradually moving onto classics written by some very famous authors like H G Wells, Shakespeare to books like Little Women, Sherlock Holmes series etc.
Thinking about books that was the time when I actually fell in love with Rebecca too! (The novel !) Our science teacher had gone on leave for few weeks leaving us free periods in her absence. The teacher who was her replacement couldn't teach us science. And to ensure a whole class of 50 kids sat quietly for almost 40 minutes for a huge task for her every day. So she started narrating to us the story of Rebecca, a book she had just started reading. She ensured she narrated it in bits and pieces leaving us asking for more till she came the next day. Not only was the whole class glued to her story sitting quietly throughout the whole time but she also introduced me to something that I was going to cherish all my life.
Till date Rebecca continues to be my favourite read for multiple reasons. I have re-read it so many times but I am still as mesmerized by it as much as I was when I read it the first time. And that is the magic of a wonderfully written book!
Do you have any such favourites that you keep going back to seeking for comfort? Would love to hear your stories.
Also as a part of this Blog Hop I am hosting a giveaway. Do participate and win some wonderful books!
Do you have any such favourites that you keep going back to seeking for comfort? Would love to hear your stories.
Also as a part of this Blog Hop I am hosting a giveaway. Do participate and win some wonderful books!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This event is hosted by b00k r3vi3ws.