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Book Review: Desiccated Land by David Lepeska

  ISBN: 978-9395481205  Genre: Non-fiction Publisher: Vishwakarma Publications  Bringing together his experiences as a journalist and a keen observer, David Lepeska writes a raw and gut-wrenching book on Kashmir. Part memoir, part travelogue, and part reportage, Desiccated Land is a page-turner.  The book starts by tracing the history of the region along with his own history, as a student who was dimly aware of the history of Kashmir and the turmoil it has been causing for centuries between India and Pakistan. Lepenska takes us to Nilamata Purana ( likely written in the 7th century ) which tells us the story leading to the birth of this region. He also shares an alternate possibility of the word being derived from a lake ‘Mira’ named after Vedic Sage Kashyapa.  His first visit to Kashmir closely followed by his second (and much longer) visit as a journalist working for the Kashmir Observer after the 9/11 attacks, make for an interesting read. Lepeska had questions, a lot of them. An

Book Review: Decoding ESG by Rear Admiral Sanjay Roye

"Decoding ESG - A Comprehensive Guide to Environmental, Social, and Governance Principles" offers a profound exploration of the intricate realm of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. Through a meticulous examination of its core components, this book serves as an indispensable resource for readers seeking to understand and apply ESG principles in today's corporate world.  The book commences by elucidating the fundamental concepts of ESG, illuminating its paramount importance in shaping contemporary corporate strategies. It then proceeds to dissect the three pillars of ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance—providing readers with a nuanced comprehension of their profound impact on businesses worldwide. 

Book Review: Lost Edges by Salini Vineeth

ISBN:  978-9358111019 Genre: Drama / Contemporary Fiction Price: INR 349/- Lost Edges by Salini Vineeth Lost Edges by Salini Vineeth is the story of a couple, Ravi and Geetanjali as they navigate through their marriage. The story takes place in a decade after their marriage and captures the ups and downs of their marriage beautifully. Salini Vineeth is a fiction writer and travel blogger based out in Bangalore, India. Her latest book is Magic Square - an English Novella. She is an engineering graduate from BITS Pilani, Goa. She later completed her MTech from IIT-Bangalore. While working as an electronics engineer, Salini started her travel website Pick, Pack, Go in 2014.   Having read her work previously, I was kind of prepared for Lost Edges. However, the author that she is, Vineeth blew me away with the treatment of this story. Her knack for dealing with relationships, talking about their messier aspects while continuing to retain their beauty shines through the book. In the beginn