Introduction ISIN: 978-81-8400-523-3 Genre: Anthology Publishers: Fablery Price: Rs. 199/- (I received the book for review from one of the authors) Marijuana Diaries, an anthology on addiction and obsession, has 17 stories by new and established writers. As writers introspect and celebrate addictions of various forms, the pages of this diary fill up. Contributors: Gulzaar, Raghuvir Shekhawat, Paulami DuttaGupta, Nethra A, Deepali Junjappa, Meera Bharadwaj, Rubina Ramesh, Janaki Nagraj, Priyaa Trippayar Sahasranaman, Brindaa Lakshmi, Reshma Ranjan, Aparajita Dutta, Ahana Mukherjee, Nehali Lalwani, Rochelle Potkar, Subha N Nivedita and Dr. Tahmina Khaleel. Behind The book Source: Goodreads